FilamentPHP v4 is coming in 2024

FilamentPHP announces v3.2 & v4 in 2024, plus a new podcast! Key updates include Forms Split, Filter Apply Button, Unsaved Changes Alert, CSV export and more.

FilamentPHP v4 is coming in 2024

The upcoming year is set to be a landmark period for FilamentPHP with two major updates on the horizon. The FilamentPHP team has recently announced the release of version 3.2 by the end of January 2024 and a significant update with version 4 later in the year. There will be an aim for a Storybook-style UI component explorer. This would help the discoverability of the default TALL components included with Filament (tabs, buttons, link, card, pagination, etc) and make Filament more useful in the sense of being a UI library for TALL-stack devs. Adding to the these improvements, FilamentPHP is also launching its own podcast by the end of the first quarter and adding new educational content on YouTube!

FilamentPHP v3.2: An Imminent Upgrade

FilamentPHP v3.2, scheduled for release by the end of January 2024, is expected to introduce numerous enhancements, further strengthening the framework. Key updates to anticipate include:

  • Forms Split Enhancement
  • Filter Apply Button
  • "Wait, Don't Leave!" Enhancement
  • Unsaved Changes Alert
  • Apply Table Filters
  • HasDescription for Enum and Radio
  • Password Reveal
  • Support for Radio Buttons and Button Group
  • Forms Support for "Block Groups"
  • Layout Components for Filter Layout
  • Support for Checkbox List Buttons and Button Group
  • CSV Exports

The Leap Forward: Anticipating FilamentPHP v4

It looks like we will get v4 of Filament later in 2024. Unlike previous major versions of Filament, which were synchronized with major Livewire versions, Filament v4 could be released independently of Livewire V4. This change is motivated by the stability of Livewire V3 and the uncertain release schedule of Livewire V4. Decoupling Filament releases from Livewire releases could simplify the upgrade process for developers, especially since Caleb has done a fantastic job with Livewire v3.

A New Avenue for Learning: The FilamentPHP Podcast & YouTube videos

The upcoming FilamentPHP podcast 🎤 is an exciting new addition, offering a valuable platform for developers to engage with the community. It promises to be a hub for insights, discussions, and updates from the creators and key contributors of FilamentPHP. Designed to facilitate learning and complement existing written content, the podcast will keep everyone informed about the latest developments in FilamentPHP, directly engaging the community in a meaningful way.

In addition to the podcast, FilamentPHP is expanding its educational resources with more video content on YouTube. This initiative aims to complement the existing written material, providing users with a more diverse and accessible learning experience. These YouTube videos will cover a range of topics, from basic tutorials and feature overviews to deep dives into more complex aspects of FilamentPHP. By offering this visual dimension, the FilamentPHP team ensures that all community members have the resources they need to succeed, regardless of their preferred learning style.

Conclusion: A Transformative Year Ahead

The announcement of these releases and the new podcast has sparked great anticipation among PHP developers. The FilamentPHP team is committed to delivering a framework that exceeds community expectations. As the release dates approach, the PHP world eagerly awaits more updates, sneak peeks, and detailed announcements from the FilamentPHP team.

2024 is shaping up to be a transformative year for FilamentPHP and the PHP community at large. With these updates and the new podcast, FilamentPHP reaffirms its commitment to innovation and excellence in PHP development.

Happy Coding!